Terms and conditions


DNA Wild LLC (referred to as 'we', 'our’, 'us' and 'the company') and the Agent (referred to as 'Agent', 'you' and 'your') includes any of its successors in title or associated organizations, trading divisions, subsidiaries, or principals.

“Services” means the provision of accommodation and/or transportation and /or meals as offered by the company.

“Client” means individuals, groups, companies, or others legal persons using the service of the company.

“Arrival date” shall mean the scheduled date of arrival of the travelers(s) in the first destination of the trip.

“The service supplier” means the party providing accommodation, transportation, or other local services, contracted by the company to comply with the instructions of the client. The service supplier is responsible for providing the services under the terms of their own liability and terms and conditions.

1.The Client and Authority 

The person requesting such quotations or estimates or making such booking or to whom any service is rendered is deemed to have read, had explained (where applicable), understood, and accepted the Conditions and to have the authority to do so on behalf of the person in whose name the estimate or quotation or reservation is requested and/or provided and/or the person to whom the services are rendered (collectively referred to as ''the Client''). 

2. Booking confirmation 

Reservations can be made by telephone or email and will be confirmed the same day whenever possible. A reservation is not deemed to have been made until it is confirmed by a member of our staff in writing. 

3. Payment and Payment Terms 

All payments must be made as per the invoice and according to the terms below. Payment of the deposit will be considered an agreement to the terms and conditions. Failing to pay by the due date, the booking will be considered void, and your reservations will be released. Any funds received may be kept as an administration fee. 

3.1FIT (non-group independent traveler) 

  • A non-refundable deposit of 30% (''the Deposit'') of the total estimated value of the Proposed Travel Arrangements (''the Price'') as specified in the quotation is required to confirm reservations with Principals (''the Booking'') within 14 days of receiving confirmation. The deposit is paid directly to each supplier to confirm the services. We cannot be held financially liable for any suppliers who can no longer operate or render the service.  

  • The remaining amount needs to be paid 90 days before arrival (to our account) 

  • Should a booking be made less than 90 days prior to travel, the booking requires a 100% payment upon confirmation 

  • Should the suppliers require a larger deposit, we reserve the right to amend the deposit required.  

3.2 Groups 

Group terms are applicable to ten units/guest rooms or more unless otherwise specified by the supplier. The following group payment terms apply and exclude any payment conditions agreed to for independent travelers. Deviations to this payment condition are agreed upon by exception thereof in writing.  

  • For groups with a travel date more than 365 days prior to travel, a non-refundable deposit of 30% (''the Deposit'') of the total estimated value of the Proposed Travel Arrangements (''the Price'') as specified in the quotation is required to confirm reservations with Principals (''the Booking'') within 30 days of receiving complete itinerary. A good faith deposit of $250.00 per person may be requested for high season bookings prior to this.   

  • 365 Days before arrival, a further 30% payment of the total booking value will be required.  

  • Groups traveling with less than 365 days prior to travel, a non-refundable deposit of 30% (''the Deposit'') of the total estimated value of the Proposed Travel Arrangements (''the Price'') as specified in the quotation is required to confirm reservations with Principals (''the Booking'') within 14 days of receiving complete itinerary. 

  • The remaining amount needs to be paid 120 days before arrival (to our account) 

  • Should the suppliers require a larger deposit, we reserve the right to amend the deposit required. 


We accept electronic transfers, bank drafts, and credit cards. All payments should be made in full and free of any bank charges. We require proof of payment with the booking number as a reference to connect the payment to the booking. 

4. Prices 

All prices quoted to you are in Dollars (USD) and are valid according to the date specified on our printed tariffs, quotations, and invoices issued to you. We warrant that the prices quoted to you are correct at the time of the quotation or invoice issuance but are subject to change in line with the market, tax, or currency fluctuation without prior notice. 

5. Responsibility, Limitation of Liability, and Indemnity 

The Proposed Travel Arrangements are made on the express condition that the company, its employees, and agents shall not be responsible for, and shall be exempt from, all liability in respect of loss (financial or otherwise), damage, accident, injury, illness, harm, trauma, death, delay or inconvenience to or additional expense incurred by any Client (which shall be deemed to include the heirs, executors, administrators or assigns of the client whether on the tour or journey or not), to or of their luggage, or other property, howsoever caused whether or not arising from any act, omission, default, or negligence on the part of the company whatsoever, unless, in the case of injury or death that is due to the negligent act or omission of the company. 

6. Insurance 

Travel insurance is compulsory, covering for personal effects, accidents, medical and emergency travel expenses, and cancellation and curtailment – as a reservation will be subject to cancellation penalties as detailed in clause 11. 

7. Travel Documents 

Documents (vouchers, itineraries, etc.) are only prepared and released on receipt of payment of the Price in full. We will endeavor to send all documents at least 30 days before travel, subject to unexpected changes. Upon receipt of your travel documents, please check that all the details therein are correct. 

8. Passports, Visas and Health 

The Client entirely must ensure that all passports and visas are current, valid, with enough pages required by the country, obtained on time, and will be valid for six months after return to the home country and that any vaccinations, inoculations, prophylactic (e.g., for malaria), and the like, where required, have been obtained. Please check the requirements with the company before traveling. The company will endeavor to assist the client. However, such assistance will be at the company's discretion, and the client acknowledges that in doing so, the company is not assuming any obligation or liability. The client indemnifies the company against any consequences of non-compliance. A copy of the passport is required to book any flights, including light air transfers, helicopters, and hot air balloons. 

9.1 Yellow fever  

Certain areas require yellow fever vaccination, of which the certificate must be carried and produced where required. The yellow fever vaccinations are valid for life, including older ones with an expiry date. Inoculation is required two weeks before you depart from your country of origin. 

9.2 Malaria 

We operate in certain areas that are Malaria zones. Therefore, it is the obligation of all guests must consult their medical practitioner regarding anti-Malaria prophylactics requirements before travel. 

10.Late Booking and changes 

We reserve the right to charge an additional administration fee for bookings made less than 14 days before travel. 

10.1 By you 

If you wish to change your booking in any way after we have received the deposit, we will do our best to accommodate the changes. However, an amendment fee of $50.00 will be charged for each alteration made per booking within six weeks of travel. 

After departure, DNA Wild can give no credit or refund for any unused services within the cost of your holiday, and any alterations made while abroad are entirely your responsibility. 

Should the client wish to make changes to the itinerary based on weather or at their discretion directly with the guide or transfer company, The company will not be held liable for any consequences thereof, such as missed flights. 

10.2 By us 

On occasions, it may be necessary to change the vacation you have booked due to circumstances beyond our control. Where a change is minor, we will do our best to advise you before departure, but we are not obliged to do so or to pay you compensation.  

When a change is a major (and a major change is either an alteration to your flight time by more than 12 hours or a change in type or standard of accommodation or a change in destination), we will advise you as soon as it is reasonably possible. You will then have the choice of accepting the change, taking an alternative vacation (and where this is of a lower price, we will refund the difference should we receive such a refund from the suppliers).  

11. Cancellation 

Cancellations will only be accepted when received in writing. 

Cancellations until 90+ days before arrival = 30 % (cancellation costs) 

Cancellations less than 89 days before arrival = 100 % (cancellations costs) 

12. Unscheduled Extensions or upgrades 

In the unlikely event of there being an unscheduled extension to the final itinerary caused by flight re-scheduling, flight delays, severe weather, strikes, or any other cause which is beyond the control of the company, it is understood that expenses relating to these unscheduled extensions (hotel accommodation, etc.) will be for the Client's account. 

Any extensions or upgrades requested by the client, the company will endeavor to accommodate these requests subject to availability and logistics. 

13. Exclusions 

Unless expressly included, all and any cost (without limitation) of obtaining passports, visas, items of a personal nature such as drinks, laundry, telephone calls, communication, and excess baggage charges shall be excluded from the tour pricing unless otherwise specified (this list is not exhaustive).  

14. Refunds 

No refunds will be considered in any circumstances whatsoever by the company. Refunds by the Principals will be subject to their terms and conditions. The company is entitled to charge an administration fee for handling refunds. 

15. Confidentiality 

Subject to statutory constraints or compliance with an order of the court, the company undertakes to deal with all Client information of a personal nature on a strictly confidential basis. All client details will only be communicated to the suppliers on a need-to-know basis 

16. Force Majeure 

The company shall have the right to cancel any contract should its fulfillment be rendered impossible, impeded, or frustrated by strike, lock-out, civil commotion, war, an act of God, force majeure, lack of materials, operation of law or regulations or order made by any statutory or other duly constituted authorities or any other cause beyond the control of the company. Force Majeure includes renovations that may be carried out at your resort while the company will use its best endeavors to provide current information. While the resort will use its best endeavors to keep any inconvenience to a minimum, the fact that restoration or renovations are being carried out does not constitute grounds for any claim against the company. 

The company will use its best endeavors to recover from third parties such monies as may have been paid to them on behalf of the client. All monies so recovered by the company will be reimbursed to the client, less a cancellation charge based on the time spent on the booking by the agent on the changes and lost revenue to the agent due to the cancellation. Professional fees earned by the company are non-refundable.